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Serverless on AWS

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Auto-generated website environment parameters

There are multiple articles on how to host a static website or Single Page Application (SPA) on AWS. But they rarely go into the topic of setting up the environment variables for the frontend application.
November 16, 2020
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My AWS toolbox - tools, plugins and applications

Developers, like all specialists, discover and collect their favorite tools over time. Having a good, proven set of tools makes the work easier and more pleasant. We can focus on getting the job done. Sometimes eliminating minor inconveniences or improving a small element of everyday activity makes the greatest impact on the comfort of work.
October 22, 2020
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Serverless Swagger UI for API Gateway

Amazon API Gateway provides an option to export the API schema as an OpenAPI Specification. With it, we can display our REST API as an interactive website. But we do not get a public URL to that specification file which we could use as a source for an interactive page like Swagger. Instead, we can only get the file from the AWS Console, CLI, or SDK.
October 13, 2020
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Command line arguments anatomy explained with examples

Many of the scripts and executables allow providing some command line arguments. They may be required or optional. There are flags, that are just switches changing command behavior. There are, of course, arguments with values. And there are so-called positional arguments – parameters given in some order without any extra indications.
September 25, 2020
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Speed up everyday work with handy Git aliases

Git allows us to define aliases, which are basically our own commands we can use. They may be just a calls for other commands with parameters, or even shell scripts. Possibilities are unlimited.
September 13, 2020
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Simpler Git branch first push with no more errors

How many times did you try to make git push for a newly created branch to the remote repository, only to get a strange "no upstream branch" error? Here I will show how to change Git configuration with a single command to get rid of it for good.
September 11, 2020
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Git fast-forward merge - why you should turn it off

Git is a standard version control tool. You should definitely use it even for small personal projects. And when it comes to any teamwork, it's mandatory.
September 9, 2020
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